Sunday, February 23, 2014

Le Première

Our first real full day in Paris was very eventful! We live very close to the Notre Dame Cathedral, so naturally it was our first stop. It was incredible! It's astonishing to me that real-life human beings are capable of building something so immaculate without heavy duty machinery. Our true intentions were to stop at the Marchè Bastille. It's one of the many French farmers markets, and it is also incredible (Incredible being the word I would use to describe almost everything we encountered today). There hundreds of different booths with people yelling prices and waving fruit and exotic food in front of your face. We stopped for authentic crepes and made our way to the eiffel tower. Also incredible, if you were wondering. It is also VERY large. Humans climbing the stairs to the top looked like tiny little ants. Also very curious how humans were able to create such an astounding thing. I failed to mention that we took the Metro three different times today. It's like being packed into a metal death trap with a hundred strangers. We were fortunate enough to encounter a Metro performer who rapped to us during our little ride. I didn't know it was possible to rap over Kesha, but the man made it possible. We probably walked 13 miles, but it was well worth it. Enough talk... Here are the pictures!

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